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What course participants say 

Miro Mastery 1
The great amount of inspiration and tips shared simply from the way you had set up course use of Miro and its many applications.
Product Owner
Miro Mastery 2
It was beneficial that the skills' level and interests were assessed during the course and that served as basis for the "lessons" provided.
Agile coach
Lead with Visuals
Easy to understand. I am now inspired to do more graphics & drawings in my presentations. I have already started to use the tools. I can’t wait for the next course.
Design to Succeed
A really engaging facilitation, and super useful content (I usually hate courses, and attend very few - just to clarify scale ;-)
The Art of Questions
Good and friendly environment. Numbers of participants were appropriate. A very nice and inspiring board prepared at the course.
Project Manager
Course evaluations average 4.5

Frequently asked questions

Enrollment has been closed for the course I want to attend. What should I do?

Send us an email and we’ll be happy to put you on the waiting list. Sometimes we can provide a spot at short notice. You can also look in the calendar and see when next course is up. Alternatively, you can gather a group of at 8 or more participants and get a customized package.

I signed up, but am not able to attend, what options do I have?

Un-enrolling or transfer to another course can be done if this is done in writing (e-mail) according to these guidelines:

  • Up to 6 weeks before the start of the course: free of charge
  • Between 6-4 weeks before the start of the course: 25% of the course price is charged
  • Between 4-2 weeks before the start of the course: 50% of the course price is charged
  • Later than 2 weeks before the start of the course: 100% of the course price is charged

In the event of illness or other impediment, you have the option of handing over your place on the course to a relevant colleague.

What happens if a course is cancelled? 

In order to ensure sufficient quality in our courses, we reserve the right to cancel courses. This may be the case if, for example, it is estimated that a too low number of participants, as this will result in the individual participant not getting the maximum benefit from the course. In that case, we offer a place on the next course with the same content. If a place on a future course is not desired, a credit note will automatically be issued for the course in question.

I want a group from my company to learn this. Is this possible and do you offer group discounts?

Yes – We believe teams stand a even better chance of implementing change with new content. If you are 5 or more that wants to sign up together, send us an email and we can share more about our special team pricing and certification. 

Do I need a Visual Collaboration Academy account to join a course?

Yes. This will ensure that you get all relevant information before, during and after a course. You will also benefit from getting access to extras for the courses you attend. 

Are the Team sessions recorded? 

No. We encourage all participants to have cameras on, and we do not record. Both have proven to increase connectedness and participation in courses. 

What do I need to attend?

Once signed up you need Teams for video and audio, and Miro boards for visual collaboration.  Each course may have additional requirements, check above or on the course pages. 
For more general about Visual Collaboration Acadermy, please visit here. 

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