In need of a more visual way of working?
If you want to run meetings, projects and processes that are more engaging, efficient and impactful, this book is for you. By using visual tools and techniques, including simple drawings that anyone can learn, Visual Collaboration can support any type of organization in managing complex projects and encouraging innovation.
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Winner at the Independent Press Awards for best design.
Bronze medal winner at the Axiom Business Book Awards.
Rated ☆☆☆☆☆ by leading Danish newspaper Børsen.
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Chapter 1:


Process Designer

Question Designer

Template Designer

Playbook Designer




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About the book
Who is it for?
Visual Collaboration offers leaders, managers and educators a visual way to communicate and collaborate that is smart and effective. The book is for everybody. In particular for people working in these areas:
Nancy Duarte
This book gives you the building blocks for meetings, processes or projects. It works as a new language for collaboration. In a world where we need tools and approaches to tackle our complex world this book can help you come up with solutions that work.
Peter Coughlan
Visual Collaboration provides readers with a brilliant toolset and roadmap (all presented in an extremely accessible visual format) for groups working together visually.
Patrick van der Pijl
This book represents the best of what the field of visual facilitation has to offer. The book is clear, high quality, very well structured, very concrete, and practical. It is full of “ah-ha’s” not only for anyone wanting to enter the world of working visually, but also for those of us who has been in the field for many year
Donato Carparelli
Visual Collaboration is an inspiring guide for anyone who is interested in a more visual approach to organizing and hosting meetings and workshops. The book walks the reader step-by-step from discovering a new visual language to enabling others to work more visually. As a reader one doesn’t only find helpful hands-on tips but also inspirational templates which can be easily customized for any kind of meeting and workshop
Lars Kolind
This book is not about drawing. It is about how I can significantly improve my work as a leader, advisor and facilitator. Before we discussed and discussed. Now we co-create and build on each other's ideas. And even more important: when we have reached and drawn our conclusion, it is infinitely easier to share the drawing with our colleagues outside our team. I dare say: We create 50% more value per hour's work than before. Brilliant!
Olga Svyrydenko
In my current role at Microsoft I don’t have the luxury of working with people face to face, so we do a lot of joint visualizations on digital whiteboards while connecting team members from all parts of the world. Visual Collaboration provided an extremely helpful method for clarifying goals, working out joint plans and shared responsibilities, and avoiding cultural or language barriers in our teams
Bliss Browne
Visual tools work well for managing meetings, programs, and processes in a way that promotes engagement, ownership, and dialogue. What an excellent resource for complex organizations and anyone who cares about activating the imagination and doing social change work well
Christoph Eisenhardt,
My organization invited the authors to teach us visual collaboration and to test whether a common visual language could enhance cross-departmental collaboration while creating product innovations. We are very pleased with the results. The book is a very successful and practical introduction to this more visual way of working
Tom Cummings
In a world of creative destruction and emergent creation, all organizations face the challenge of orienting and imagining the shared future we all want and need. Visualizing and sharing perspectives are critical to achieving this goal. This work will be a classic ‘go to’ source for anyone aspiring to develop shared engagement, visual insight, competence, and tools


Loa Baastrup
Loa designs and facilitates scale strategy processes and has trained more than 1000 people in visual facilitation. Loa is co-author Visual Collaboration.
Ole Qvist-Sørensen
Ole has more than 15 years of international experience in facilitating and assisting leadership teams in cultivating a more visual way of working. He is the co-author of Visual Collaboration.
Sofie Lind Mesterton
Sofie is an illustrator with a background in the Royal Danish School of Design. She uses visuals to turn complexity into visual clarity. Sofie is the co-illustrator of Visual Collaboration.