We are a team of passionate listeners, synthesizers, designers, illustrators, cartoonists, movie makers and facilitators ready to help you learn and apply a new way of working.
Loa Baastrup
Author, visual facilitator, trainer
Author, visual facilitator, trainer
Loa designs and facilitates scale strategy processes and has trained more than 1000 people in visual facilitation. Loa is co-author Visual Collaboration.
Ole Qvist-Sørensen
Author, visual facilitator, trainer
Author, visual facilitator, trainer
Ole has more than 15 years of international experience in facilitating and assisting leadership teams in cultivating a more visual way of working. He is the co-author of Visual Collaboration.
Jacob Ackey Wolf
Designer, illustrator
Author, visual facilitator, trainer
Jacob is a designer and illustrator,
with a masters in Play Design from
Kolding Designskole.
He can turn any idea or thought into visuals, whether it's on a stickie note or a mural.
Marius Klausen
Video development & production
Author, visual facilitator, trainer
Marius Klausen is devoted to making a difference in the world of new media and focuses on making unforgettable videos with Bigger Picture.
Sofie Lind Mesterton
Illustrator, trainer
Illustrator, trainer
Sofie is an illustrator with a background in the Royal Danish School of Design. She uses visuals to turn complexity into visual clarity. Sofie is the co-illustrator of Visual Collaboration.
Is this you?
Social media, marketing and community manager
Illustrator, trainer
We are looking for talented people.
Are you curious, professional and a bit visual? Do you want to make a visible difference in the world?
Join us
Join us
You have landed at
Visual Collaboration Academy
Welcome to a place for continued, live and self-paced learning. We hope it will become an everyday companion that strenghtens your thinking, communication, and collaboration.
Our book outlines the method, concepts, and tools of the academy