Welcome to our community

Join our growing community of Visual Collaboration Practitioners. You are a member just by signing in. From there you can get as connected as you want. We look forward to seeing you. 

Free Membership

By signing in to our academy you are a member. As a member you have plenty of benefits to explore before going further. Make sure to join our webinars and try some of our tools.

Visual Collaborators Club

Join our international club of professionals. We meet up, learn from each other and benefit from coaching and real time dedicated academy support. 


Our affiliates program are for individuals and teams supporting our purpose and mission. We  help you bring visual collaboration to your stakeholders the way it works for you.


We partner with organizations who share our mission to accelerate the use of visual collaboration methods and tools in all sectors of society.  

Join our team

We are looking for talented people.
Are you curious, professional and a bit visual? Do you want to make a visible difference in the world? Help us.