Draw Templates: Strategy

With these standard templates you are ready for any meeting, workshop, training or conference
Write your awesome label here.

 A to B Strategy

Focus on core four questions

Scenario mapping

Outline the possibilities together

Strategy roadmaps

Ensure shared direction

Current and future state

Bridge the gaps

 A to B Strategy

Focus on core four questions

Scenario mapping

Outline the possibilities together

Strategy roadmaps

Ensure shared direction

Current and future state

Bridge the gaps

Ole Qvist-Sørensen

Founder, Co-Author, Visual Facilitator 
Ole Qvist-Sørensen, MA, is a Founder and Partner at Bigger Picture, a consulting firm specializing in strategy communication and visual facilitation. Ole is co-author of Visual Collaboration and has developed, tested, and applied the methods and tools of the book in more than 500 organizations in the private, public, and civil sector.

Sofie Lind Mesterton

Illustrator of Visual CollaboratioN
Sofie is an illustrator with a background in the Royal Danish School of Design. She uses visuals to turn complexity into visual clarity. Sofie is the illustrator of our book Visual Collaboration.
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