Visual Facilitation Icons eBooklet
A large visual language library of icons and templates to use in any given context.
How to use this eBooklet
Use as inspiration
Use for preparation
Use on the fly
We believe there are 8 elements in visualization from which you can truly benefit. The first seven teach you how to use text, color and effects. They also help you show people, places, processes, as well as what is said and thought. The 8th element is your own visual language; it translates your chosen key words and concepts into specific icons.
Based on many years of working with this methodology, we’ve come to believe this selection contains the most important vocabulary of things, people, places, processes, concepts and templates needed.
Based on many years of working with this methodology, we’ve come to believe this selection contains the most important vocabulary of things, people, places, processes, concepts and templates needed.
Would you like to learn a method to continually build your visual language?
In our award winning book we present The Five Building Blocks of Visual Collaboration. The first will help you create your own icons for any context.