Read. | Watch. | Learn. | Improve.
Boost your confidence, master the field, become a certified professional. Learn to use all the related tools, walk into a job and be a rockstar from day one. The skills you need to become a real professional and thrive in your career.
A collection of free on demand courses, regular webinars and selected resources.
Pay as you go
Pay the per unit price for on demand courses, live courses, workshops, and webinars.
Specials on bundled packages of units that fit a particular need or theme.
Choose the subscription that suits you best - individually or as an organization.
To increase member-ship diversity check out if our tiered pricing model suits you.
Individual subscription plans
Choose your plan
€ 0/month
Everything basic
My Academy Page
Monthly Academy Meetups
Free "Draw Icons" tutorials
Free "Draw Templates" tutorials
Free templates and tools structured in MURAL / MIRO
€ 33/month
Everything in STARTER +
Individual License to icons and templates as PNG file downloads
Individual License to icons and templates organized as Albums in MURAL / MIRO.
Monthly Q&A sessions
Quarterly Growth Workshops
25% off on LIVE events (webinars, workshops and courses)
€ 133/month
Everything in GROWTH +
Individual License to Metaphor Builders for MURAL / MIRO.
Member of Visual Collaborators Club
Curated monthly community meetings
Peer to peer coaching and collaboration
Expert feedback on individual needs
50% off on LIVE events (webinars, workshops and courses)
Choose your plan
€ 0/month
Everything basic
My Academy Page
Monthly Academy Meetups
Free "Draw Icons" tutorials
Free "Draw Templates" tutorials
Free templates and tools structured in MURAL / MIRO
€ 33/month
Everything in STARTER +
Individual License to icons and templates as PNG file downloads
Individual License to icons and templates organized as Albums in MURAL / MIRO.
Monthly Q&A sessions
Quarterly Growth Workshops
25% off on LIVE events (webinars, workshops and courses)
€ 133/month
Everything in GROWTH +
Individual License to Metaphor Builders for MURAL / MIRO.
Member of Visual Collaborators Club
Curated monthly community meetings
Peer to peer coaching and collaboration
Expert feedback on individual needs
50% off on LIVE events (webinars, workshops and courses)